If you are looking to improve IT asset utilisation, the accuracy and efficiency of IT audits, maximise depreciation deductions or reduce the costs associated with missing or lost equipment, then you might be interested in a cost-effective UHF RFID solution we are delivering for a...
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – 24 February, 2015 – Relegen, a leading supplier of people and technology solutions to Defence, government, mining and industry, today announced new capabilities for new slimline UHF RFID labels which are ideal for IT asset inventory management, tracking and maintenance applications. Relegen...
Happy New Year! We’re kicking off our 2015 blog program with a light-hearted story that has somewhat of a more serious undertone. This year the retail clothing market will see the release of RFID-blocking jeans. This new product has been developed to combat growing security...
With so much noise about the coming ‘Internet of Things’ [IoT] these days, it’s a challenge to get a clear signal about what it means for enterprise asset management and how organisations can prepare to take advantage. As new products like wearables enter the consumer...
For the first time in history there are more active mobile connections in the world than there are people on the planet. Digital analyst GSMA Intelligence’s real-time device tracker estimates that there are now more than 7.28 billion active mobile connections globally compared to 7.20...